For authors

Requirements for the content, order of registration, and submission of materials

    Materials for publication are sent in electronic form to the e-mail address of the editors of the collection "Scientific Bulletin of the Research Institute of Pretrial Investigation Problems": institutpdr@gmail.com  

    The e-mail must contain the following files:

    • the manuscript of the article (the name of the file is the surname of the author (co-authors with a hyphen) with the letter c after a space: Petrov s.doc or Petrov-Markov s.doc);
    • information about the author(s)
    Post-graduate students or university graduates submit a positive written opinion of the supervisor. 

    The maximum number of co-authors is no more than two.

    Mandatory elements of the article:

    • data about the author (in Ukrainian and English): surname, first name and patronymic; academic degree, academic title; place of work (study), position;
    • title of the article (in Ukrainian and English);
    • structured abstract in Ukrainian (at least 350 characters);
    • an article not in English is accompanied by an annotation in English of at least 1,800 characters, including keywords, an article not in Ukrainian is accompanied by an annotation in Ukrainian of at least 1,800 characters;
    • keywords (at least four and not more than ten);
    • statement of the problem in general form and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks;
    • analysis of the latest research and publications in which the solution to this problem was initiated and to which the author refers (references to publications and their analysis are mandatory);
    • selection of previously unsolved parts of the general problem, to which the specified article is devoted;
    • formulation of the goals of the article (statement of the task);
    • presentation of the main research material with full justification of the obtained scientific results;
    • conclusions from this study and prospects for further research on this topic;
    • literature (minimum of 7 references to scientific sources relevant to the subject of research, which has been published over the past five years in professional publications; references are provided in the text in square brackets; for each used source specified in the "Literature" section, the text should contain at least one link). Examples of bibliographic descriptions are provided by DSTU 8302:2015.

    Requirements for the design of the article:

    • editor format – Microsoft Word (file extension .doc or .rtf);
    • text font – Times New Roman Cyr, 14 points;
    • interval between lines - 1.5;
    • margins: left – 3 cm, right – 1.5 cm, top and bottom – 2 cm each;
    • for figures and tables: font – Times New Roman Cyr, 12 points, spacing between lines – 1;
    • all visual elements must have designed and understandable infographic elements;
    • drawings and diagrams are created using black and white only with the help of Microsoft Office in A4 (book) format and are additionally submitted in the files of the programs in which they were created (*.doc, *.xls, *.jpg);
    • background fills and frames are not allowed in diagrams;
    • coloured graphic objects, fills, footnotes and three-dimensional shapes are not allowed!;
    • the volume of the article (with a list of used literature, tables, diagrams, etc.) – 8–15 pages of A4 format;
    • the material of the article is drawn up with an indication of the relevant sections, the presentation should be clear and concise, and the number of tables, formulas, and illustrations should be minimal;
    • the bibliographic description in the list of sources is carried out by the requirements of the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine;
    • the language of the article is Ukrainian, and English (with appropriate fulfilment of all special requirements).

    Categories of publications:

    • Criminal Law;  
    • Criminal Process;  
    • Operative and investigative activity;  
    • Administrative law and process.  
    • Information about the author:

    • Full Name;
    • Degree;
    • Academic status;
    • Place of work, position;
    • Work address (postal code, country, region, district, settlement, street, building number);
    • Home address (postal code, country, region, district, settlement, street, building number);
    • Contact phone number and e-mail.
    • Materials to the e-mail of the editorial office of the magazine institutpdr@gmail.com must be sent by September 20, 2024. 

      The journal "Scientific Bulletin of the Research Institute of Pretrial Investigation Problems" № 4 will be sent to authors in electronic form in the month of October 2024.
    • The cost of publishing an article in the Collection "Scientific Bulletin of the Research Institute of Problems of Investigation Problems" is UAH 1,200.