The collection "Scientific Bulletin of the Research Institute of Pretrial Investigation Problems " is a peer-reviewed electronic scientific publication with free access, founded and published in June 2023.
Purpose of the journal: to achieve a qualitatively new level of completeness and efficiency in meeting the informational needs of society in modern knowledge in the field of law.
Subject: according to the field of "legal sciences" by scientific specialities (12.00.08, 12.00.09) in accordance with the current list of fields of science of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine from specialities 081 Law, 262 Law enforcement activities
Publication frequency: 2 times a year
ISSN: 2786-7900 (ONLINE)
UDC: 343(051.034)=161.2
It has the status of publication of category "B" of the List of Scientific and Professional Publications of Ukraine in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine dated October 25, 2023, № 1309
Corresponds to: National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302:2015 "Information and documentation. Electronic editions. Main types and initial information"
1. Private scientific institution "Research Institute of Pretrial Investigation Problems"
2. "DEFENSORES" Bar Association
3. Research Institute of Public Law